Two students, Brian Oginga and Ruth Basweti (Bsc Management of Agroecosystems - Class of 2020) made a courtesy call to the department on 28th October, 2021. They had been selected for the 11 months internship in Israel under the AICAT (Arava International Centre for Agriculture Training) Internship 2020/2021. They form part of the 50 UoN students that left for Israel on 30th October 2021.
Elizabeth Githendu and Solomon Mugi, both students from the Department of Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology (LARMAT), pursuing MSC in Range Management, University of Nairobi participated in the Emerging Scientist 2021 two week training which was conducted in Maasai Mara, Narok County between September 15, 2021 and September 26, 2021. The training involved hands-on research design, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of research findings.
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has placed 6,407 students to study at University of Nairobi.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) invites you to a virtual forum on Nature based on climate change to be held on Thursday, August 26, 2021 from 3pm to 5pm. Register here for Green House Session 2.0 on "Nature based Solutions (Nbs) for Climate Change” and if they are effective in addressing causes and consequences of climate c
Masters of Science and Doctor of Philosophy students pursuing various degree programmes in this department virtually presented their research proposals to their fellow students and supervisors. According to UoN graduate school guidelines, all postgraduate students must produce progress report and this can be possible if their research work is shared and presented to supervisors and any other invited actor. Over 27 participants were in attendance. Their supervisors were impressed on improved research work enhanced by presentation skills.
Meet our former students highlighting on how to apply for a winning grants for your further studies.
Have you been worried whether the exam would be held when the pandemic is still in the Kenya, at University of Nairobi, every student must be tested for their course work in the two semesters? Learning has been online through different e- platforms and in the Department of LARMAT , postgraduate students and 1st years commenced their first semester, 2020-2021 exams yesterday, 18th January 2021.
Lectures and instructors of all units in the Department of LARMAT on 15th December 2020 moderated 1st semester exam for the year 2020/2021. Prof. Richard Onwonga and Dr. Oliver Wasonga moderated the exercise. It was agreed all moderators retain the moderated exam in the google drive for ease accessibility. All exams to be cleaned for further processing.