
Title Author Attachement Links
The influence of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs on soil organic carbon functional groups content and maize yields

M.Ndung'u, L.W.Ngatia, 

5 The influence of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs on soil organic carbon functional groups.pdf
Effect of Grazing Management and Land Cover Types on Mineral-Associated Organic Carbon and Particulate Organic Carbon in a Semi-arid Rangelands in Kenya.

Gitau, A. N., Onwonga, R. N., Mbau, J. S., Chepkemoi…

4. Effect of Grazing Management and Land Cover Types on Mineral-Associated Organic Carbon.pdf
Higher education and skills development in Africa: An analytical paper on the role of higher learning Institutions on sustainable development

Peter M. F. Mbithi, Judith S. Mbau, Nzioka J.…

3. Higher education and skills development in Africa.pdf
Response of potato to fertilizers applied on different soil types in Kenyan Highlands

 James Njeru MugoNancy Karanja…

2.Response of potato to fertilizers applied on different soil types in Kenyan Highlands.pdf
DAAD Agriculture-Alumni Network - Workshop ‘Paradigm shifts in Agricultural Systems towards Sustainable Land-use in Africa’

Dr. Oliver Wasonga

Savanna woody plants responses to mammalian herbivory and implications for management of livestock–wildlife landscape

Staline Kibet, Moses Nyangito,

1. Savanna woody plants responses to mammalian herbivory.pdf
Yield and evapotranspiration characteristics of potato-legume intercropping simulated using a dual coefficient approach in a tropical highland Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sink potential in Eastern Africa rangeland ecosystems: A review

Shadrack O.Nyawade

8. Yield and evapotranspiration Legume.pdf
Soil Properties and Fertility Management with Respect to Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.) Production in Nairobi Peri-urban Counties

Michelle A. Otieno, 

10. Soil Properties and Fertility Management with Respect to Capsicum.pdf
Understanding the monodominance of Acacia drepanolobium in East African savannas: insights from demographic data

David Kenfack, Gabriel Arellano, Staline Kibet, …

2. Understanding the monodominance of Acacia drepanolobium in East African savannas.pdf
Comparing law enforcement monitoring data and research data suggests an underestimation of bushmeat poaching through snaring in a Kenyan World Heritage Site

Henk Harmsen, …

African Journal of Ecology - 2021 - Harmsen - Comparing law enforcement monitoring data and research data suggests an.pdf