Woody invasive alien species in the Eastern Africa-Risks associated with promoting alien tree species for social benefits. The Woody Weeds Project. Policy Brief

Published in Jan 2020

Despite good intentions, some projects that have promoted alien tree species in the past have resulted in serious negative impacts.
• The risk of adverse effects can be reduced through review of funding or project proposals by multidisciplinary expert panels.
• Promotion of alien tree species should be subjected to rigorous risk assessment according to established international standards, particularly regarding their possible consequences for nature and nature’s contributions to people.

Regreening the drylands: Fodder groups as a potential pathway for upscaling commercial fodder production

Published in April 2020

Forage scarcity associated with prolonged and recurrent droughts impedes livestock productivity and threatens pastoralists’ livelihoods in the drylands.

Cultivation of fodder may increase livestock productivity and provide an opportunity of livelihood diversification by selling excessive fodder resources.