On Friday 28th October 2022, students in LARMAT interacted with their Lecturers .They physically meet their lecturers, aired out campus experience and lectures progress. Students were keen to know their career prospects. The session was convened by the Chairman, LARMAT Prof. Richard Onwonga in company of other LARMAT staff members. In the meeting, it was noted that, mentorship programs be intensified and more consultative meetings were encouraged. Academic trips and industrial attachments were singled out as a pathway to student’s exposure to real life experiences and work environment besides networking;

Responsibility for all should be well defined. Some key areas highlighted were;

  • Timely course and examination registration.
  • Submission of special projects and postgraduate proposals.
  • Utilization of campus life by learning new skills through short courses, dual degree programmes.
  • Time management.
  • Adequate examination administration.
  • Adequate compliance to departmental complaints and complements channeled timely to chairman’s office with subsequent resolving measures.