Postgraduate and undergraduate students and staff from department of LARMAT on 12th March, 2022 visited KISIMA orchard farm located in the agro-ecological zones of Mwala- Machakos County. The Fruit orchards consist of Citrus sinensis (Pixel orange),  Red Lady F1  pawpaws, Persea americana,  Musa spp.  and are established under Conservation Agriculture. While observing climate smart agriculture “I farm without Irrigation” Says the farmer.   He has embrace In-situ rain water harvesting such as basins, terracing, enhanced with Brachiaria, brownii ,  Mulching etc.  “Through this farming, you can be billionaire, when I compare my salary with farming, I prefer to farm” the farmer added.   He reiterated, one Pixel orange tree well tended can produce 100 kg of Mangoes in one season.  Students reaction to the trip "Farming is a good business"," You mean in a harsh climate this farm can thrive?". Students who benefited are students pursuing BSc Range Management, BSc Agro-ecosystems management, BSc Agriculture (Land Resources Major), MSC Range management, MSc Land and Water Management.  They were guided by Stephen Tirop, Carolyne Kyalo and Wilson Wanjohi.

The objectives of the field trip are to:

  1. Assist the students to understand Conversation Agriculture in ASALS,
  2. Climate Smart Agriculture,
  3. Fruits farming and associated pest and diseases
  4. Types of soils for fruit farming
  5. Explore research site for post graduate students and students on Attachment,
  6. Why irrigation not necessary for successful farming
  7. Agribusiness awareness.