The team comprising of four researchers from University of Nairobi and five officers from KEFRI visited the Station for purposes of deliberating on formulation of a Memorandum of Association (MOA) for partnership between the two institutions. The visit that lasted from August 30th to September 1st 2021 included tours to the KEFRI Kibwezi Facilities (tree nursery, laboratory, offices and orchard within UoN field Station), nearby model farmer and UoN Kibwezi Field Station facilities.

Fruitful discussions were held leading to formulation of a draft mutual MOA and memorandum of consultative Collaboration (MOCC) that were to be shared with CEOs of the two institutions. There are many prospects highlighted in the discussions for partnership opportunities between the two stakeholders in multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional approaches in research, training, community outreach and sustainable environmental conservation, among others.  They were led by Dr. Thenya  and Dr. Joram Kagombe  from University of Nairobi and  KEFRI respectively.